WrightSim.hamiltonian package


WrightSim.hamiltonian.TRSF_default module

class WrightSim.hamiltonian.TRSF_default.Hamiltonian(rho=None, tau=None, mu=None, omega=None, labels=['gg', 'Ig_1', 'Ig_2', 'ig_1', 'ig_22I,g', '2i,g', 'c,g', 'ag', 'bg'], time_orderings=[1, 2, 3], phase_cycle=False, propagator=None)[source]

Bases: object

matrix(efields, time)[source]

WrightSim.hamiltonian.default module

class WrightSim.hamiltonian.default.Hamiltonian(rho=None, tau=None, mu=None, omega=None, w_central=7000.0, coupling=0, propagator=None, phase_cycle=False, labels=['00', '01 -2', "10 2'", '10 1', "20 1+2'", '11 1-2', "11 2'-2", "10 1-2+2'", "21 1-2+2'"], time_orderings=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], recorded_indices=[7, 8])[source]

Bases: object

cuda_matrix_source = "\n    /**\n     *  Hamiltonian_matrix: Computes the Hamiltonian matrix for an indevidual time step.\n     *  NOTE: This differs from the Python implementation, which computes the full time \n     *          dependant hamiltonian, this only computes for a single time step\n     *          (to conserve memory).\n     * \n     *  Parameters\n     *  ----------\n     *  Hamiltonian ham: A struct which represents a hamiltonian,\n     *                   containing orrays omega, mu, and Gamma\n     *  cmplx* efields: A pointer to an array containg the complex valued\n     *                  electric fields to use for evaluation\n     *  double time: the current time step counter\n     *\n     *  Output\n     *  -------\n     *  cmplx* out: an N x N matrix containing the transition probabilities\n     *\n     */\n    __device__ void Hamiltonian_matrix(Hamiltonian ham, pycuda::complex<double>* efields,\n                                       double time, pycuda::complex<double>* out)\n    {\n        // Define state energies\n        double wag = ham.omega[1];\n        double w2aa = ham.omega[8];\n\n        // Define dipoles\n        //TODO: don't assume one, generalize\n        pycuda::complex<double> mu_ag =  1.;//ham.mu[0];\n        pycuda::complex<double> mu_2aa = 1.;//ham.mu[1];\n\n        // Define the electric field values\n        pycuda::complex<double> E1 =  efields[0];\n        pycuda::complex<double> E2 =  efields[1];\n        pycuda::complex<double> E3 =  efields[2];\n\n        // Define helpful variables\n        pycuda::complex<double> A_1 = 0.5 * I * mu_ag * E1 * pycuda::exp(-1. * I * wag * time);\n        pycuda::complex<double> A_2 = 0.5 * I * mu_ag * E2 * pycuda::exp(I * wag * time);\n        pycuda::complex<double> A_2prime = 0.5 * I * mu_ag * E3 * pycuda::exp(-1. * I * wag * time);\n        pycuda::complex<double> B_1 = 0.5 * I * mu_2aa * E1 * pycuda::exp(-1. * I * w2aa * time);\n        pycuda::complex<double> B_2 = 0.5 * I * mu_2aa * E2 * pycuda::exp(I * w2aa * time);\n        pycuda::complex<double> B_2prime = 0.5 * I * mu_2aa * E3 * pycuda::exp(-1. * I * w2aa * time);\n\n        //TODO: zero once, take this loop out of the inner most loop\n        for (int i=0; i<ham.nStates * ham.nStates; i++) out[i] = pycuda::complex<double>();\n\n        // Fill in appropriate matrix elements\n        if(ham.time_orderings[2] || ham.time_orderings[4])\n            out[1*ham.nStates + 0] = -1. * A_2;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[3] || ham.time_orderings[5])\n            out[2*ham.nStates + 0] = A_2prime;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[0] || ham.time_orderings[1])\n            out[3*ham.nStates + 0] = A_1;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[2])\n            out[5*ham.nStates + 1] = A_1;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[4])\n            out[6*ham.nStates + 1] = A_2prime;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[3])\n            out[4*ham.nStates + 2] = B_1;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[5])\n            out[6*ham.nStates + 2] = -1. * A_2;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[0])\n            out[4*ham.nStates + 3] = B_2prime;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[1])\n            out[5*ham.nStates + 3] = -1. * A_2;\n        if(ham.time_orderings[1] || ham.time_orderings[3])\n        {\n            out[7*ham.nStates + 4] = B_2;\n            out[8*ham.nStates + 4] = -1. * A_2;\n        }\n        if(ham.time_orderings[0] || ham.time_orderings[2])\n        {\n            out[7*ham.nStates + 5] = -2. * A_2prime;\n            out[8*ham.nStates + 5] = B_2prime;\n        }\n        if(ham.time_orderings[4] || ham.time_orderings[5])\n        {\n            out[7*ham.nStates + 6] = -2. * A_1;\n            out[8*ham.nStates + 6] = B_1;\n        }\n\n        // Put Gamma along the diagonal\n        for(int i=0; i<ham.nStates; i++) out[i*ham.nStates + i] = -1. * ham.Gamma[i];\n    }\n"
cuda_mem_size = 64
cuda_struct = '\n    #include <pycuda-complex.hpp>\n    #define I pycuda::complex<double>(0,1)\n\n    struct Hamiltonian {\n        int nStates;\n        int nMu;\n        int nTimeOrderings;\n        int nRecorded;\n        pycuda::complex<double>* rho;\n        pycuda::complex<double>* mu;\n        double* omega;\n        double* Gamma;\n\n        char* time_orderings;\n        int* recorded_indices;\n    };\n    '
matrix(efields, time)[source]

Generate the time dependant Hamiltonian Coupling Matrix.

  • efields (ndarray<Complex>) – Contains the time dependent electric fields. Shape (M x T) where M is number of electric fields, and T is number of timesteps.

  • time (1-D array <float64>) – The time step values


Shape T x N x N array with the full Hamiltonian at each time step. N is the number of states in the Density vector.

Return type

ndarray <Complex>


Transfer the Hamiltonian to a C struct in CUDA device memory.

Currently expects a pointer to an already allocated chunk of memory.

Module contents