Multiprocessing in WrightSim

WrightSim provides three different levels of computation:

  • Single Core CPU: Run single threaded

  • Multi Core CPU: Use multiprocessing to run on as many cores as the CPU has available.

  • CUDA GPU: Use PyCUDA to run a highly parallel implementation.


Windows Users

Using multiprocessing on Windows requires using if __name__ == "__main__": to prevent infinite processes from being spawned. This does not apply to unix-styled systems.

Additionally, the CUDA multiprocessing has not been tested under Windows.

Scaling Analysis


Both NISE and WrightSim scale linearly with respect to the number of points. There is a 4x speed up when running on 4 CPU cores. The CUDA implementation is 10x faster than 4 CPU cores, though it incurs a constant 200 millisecond offset for compilation.